Free help for third-country nationals under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (FAMI)
What does FAMI mean?
The purpose of the FAMI is to contribute to the effective management of migration flows and to strengthen the development of a common policy on asylum, subsidiary protection, temporary protection and a common immigration policy with full respect for the rights and principles set out in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.
The target group of the FAMI (i.e. persons who can receive support as foreigners) are third-country nationals, i.e. non-member countries of the European Union, as well as stateless persons and persons with undefined citizenship.
The main purpose of the project.
On September 1, 2018, in the area of the West Pomeranian Province, the following project is started: "Comprehensive system of support in the field of adaptation and integration with the society of third-country nationals residing in the West Pomeranian Voivodeship". The project will last 24 months. The main purpose of the project is to provide integration services for third-country nationals in the West Pomeranian Voivodeship. However, the specific purpose of the project is the Integration/Legal Migration in accordance with the National Programme.
The main activities of the project:
As part of the FAMI project, an information and advisory point for third-country nationals will be established in the West Pomeranian Voivodeship Office in Szczecin, where information on legalization of the residence of third-country nationals in Poland, the methods of legal employment, family benefits and social help benefits will be provided.
The point will be open from Monday to Friday during the opening hours of the office, while meeting the needs of foreigners residing in Poland. The point will be open until 18:00 every Monday.
In addition, Strategy for the integration of third-country nationals in the West Pomeranian Voivodeship will be developed as part of the FAMI project.
Caritas Polska with its registered office in Warsaw will be the partner of the project. The partner's activities will involve establishing the Help Centre for Migrants and Refugees, the purpose of which will be to create an information and advisory centre. In addition, there will be a common room at the registered office of the Centre, where, inter alia, compensatory and educational classes for children who require this form of support will be provided. The point will be open from Monday to Friday for 8 hours (the location will be specified at a later date after selecting the best offer of the premises).
At the same time, the project will enable the beneficiaries selected in the recruitment process to learn Polish language, which is necessary for educational and professional activity on the territory of the Republic of Poland. The course will be run by experienced Polish teachers.
Furthermore, during the project, Caritas Polska in cooperation with the West Pomeranian Voivodeship Office in Szczecin will organize two meetings with employers of migrants and employers' associations. The presentation of legal aspects related to the Polish labour market for foreigners will be the main theme.
Beneficiaries of the project.
Under the detailed purpose of the Integration/Legal migration, the project will be provided to the following groups:
- national purpose: Legal migration: activities outside the EU should involve third-country nationals complying with specific measures or preconditions set out in Polish law and, and EU law, if applicable. Activities involving direct support may only be provided to persons who can be documented with a prospect of residence in Poland, e.g. a visa for repatriation, a visa for resettlement as a member of the repatriate's immediate family, a visa to exercise the rights resulting from holding the Pole's Card, the promise of issuing an entry visa (so-called promise), a university confirmation of admission, confirmation of higher education in Poland, a declaration on the intention to entrust work to a foreigner made by a Polish employer and registered at the poviat labour office.
- national purpose, Integration (this target group excludes third-country nationals who also are also citizens of the EU countries).
- Foreigners who are not the EU citizens, residing on the territory of the Republic of Poland legally, in accordance with the provisions of the Act of December 12, 2013 on foreigners (the Journal of Laws of 2017, item 2206):
- on the basis of the visa referred to in art. 60 (1) (4-6, 9-13, 17, 19-21, 23-25),
- on the basis of a temporary residence permit, permanent residence (Article 195, with the exception of paragraph 1 (6) or a permit for long-term residence in the EU (Article 211),
- on the basis of a document confirming the held permit for a tolerated residence called:
“Permit for tolerated residence” (Article 226 (5)), - permission for residence for humanitarian reasons.
- Children of the aforementioned persons (not EU citizens) born on the territory of the Republic of Poland. Other children are subject to the conditions of point 1 and 7.
- Foreigners who have applied for a residence permit for a fixed period based on abolition and currently residing on the territory of the Republic of Poland on the basis of a stamp who:
- have applied for a temporary residence permit (Article 108 (1) (2))
- have applied for a permanent residence permit (Article 206, (1), (2))
- have applied for a permit for long-term residence in the EU
- have applied for an extension of a Schengen visa or a national visa (Article 87 (1) (1)),
- in which the justification is in line with one of the following purposes indicated in art. 60 (1) (4-6, 9-13, 17, 19-21, 23-25),
- have applied for an extension of the period of residence under the visa-free regime on the territory of the Republic of Poland (Article 300 (4)).
- They are staying on the territory of the Republic of Poland as part of the visa-free regime.
- Foreigners who are not EU citizens, staying on the territory of the Republic of Poland, who are in the process of obtaining a permit for legal residence in Poland. NOTE support for these persons is limited to help in obtaining a permit for legal residence.
- Spouses, ascendants and descendants of persons belonging to the aforementioned groups
1-4, to the extent that is necessary for the effective implementation of activities. - Persons who are not EU citizens and legally reside on the territory of the Republic of Poland, who have applied for:
- granting a temporary residence permit to a foreigner (Article 108),
- granting a permanent residence permit to a foreigner (Article 206),
- granting a foreigner a permit for long-term residence in the EU (Article 223),
- extension of a Schengen visa or a national visa (Article 87), if the justification is in line with one of the following purposes indicated in art. 60 (1) (4-6, 9-13, 17, 19-21, 23-25),
- extension of the period of residence under the visa-free regime on the territory of the Republic of Poland (article 300)
and obtained the imprint of the stamp in the travel document confirming the submission of the application for permit.
The author is solely responsible for the expressed opinions. The European Commission and the Ministry of Interior and Administration are not responsible for the use of the information provided.
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